National Family Services Division

The National Family Services Division was established via Cabinet Minute No. 576 SDFS (91) 25, of March 21st 1991. This Division of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS) is mandated to promote healthy family functioning through the provision of preventive, developmental and remedial programs and services. The National Family Services Division was founded based on the recognition that the overriding problems in communities throughout Trinidad and Tobago were mainly due to poverty, child and spousal abuse. 

To date, the National Family Services Division is the primary institution in Trinidad and Tobago, providing a range of programs and services to strengthen families and promote healthy family life. It includes a Parenting Unit, which manages the National Parenting Programme.


To be the lead Government Agency delivering the highest quality social services, empowering citizens to live progressive lives with dignity and respect.


To promote healthy family functioning through the provision of preventive, developmental and remedial programmes and services. 

Core Role and Functions

  • To manage cases of individuals and families at risk
  • To provide individual, group and family counselling
  • To make referrals to relevant agencies, both Ministerial and external, in the management of cases
  • To develop and conduct public education programs and training, including sensitisation campaigns, lectures and workshops on social issues throughout Trinidad and Tobago, on matters impacting family functioning
  • To assist in the research and analysis of matters pertaining to the family and to disseminate information on issues affecting the family in Trinidad and Tobago
  • To network and collaborate with local, regional and international agencies to promote healthy functioning families
  • To provide practicum experience for university students desirous of entering the field of social services and on the job training for graduates
  • To respond and engage in crisis intervention in cases of homicides, suicides, vehicular accidents, natural disasters and other incidents impacting families.

Who We Help

  • Individuals and Groups                            
  • Families / Couples                       
  • Children               
  • Parents                                                     
  • The Elderly                                  
  • Persons with Disabilities             
  • The Disadvantaged         

 The Issues We Address

  • Abuse/Incest        
  • Domestic Violence           
  • Marital Problems              
  • Depression                       
  • Parenting              
  • Family Life                                              
  • Life Crises            
  • Behavioural Issues
  • Financial Issues 

Public Education Approaches

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago recognises the importance of advocacy and information sharing in order to modify mind-sets and cultural norms. This Division engages in different levels of public education to ensure that our targeted clients have access to the services that are specifically tailored to their needs. 

As such, the Division via the Ministry, engages in regular partnership with other Ministries, Faith-based and Non-Governmental Organisations to host workshops, seminars, community outreaches, and domestic violence and child-abuse sensitisation sessions in targeted rural and urban communities across Trinidad and Tobago. 

Programmes and Work in Progress

  • National Parenting Programme

 Parenting Workshops in Communities aim to strengthen existing parenting abilities to equip parents and guardians with the necessary resources that would promote child learning and development. Eligible participants are awarded a certificate of participation and following the training, parental support groups are formed to continue to provide an avenue for education, advice and long-term support. Parenting Workshops in Communities have been hosted in Moruga, Laventille, Princes Town, Siparia, La Horquetta and Blanchisseuse and many other communities.

National parenting programme expansion:  The initial pilot of the National Parenting Programme to develop parent self-efficacy will be expanded, offering the opportunity for all parents to attend the programme and establish parental support groups within their communities.  Positive behavioural management approaches will be demonstrated through this programme as part of a multi-agency approach to reduce harsh parenting practices. 

  • International Year of the Family

International Day of Families is observed annually on May 15.  It was proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1993 and reflects the importance the international community attaches to families. The Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues related to families. The International Year of the Family (IYF) was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1994 in recognition of the important role the family plays in development. The year 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the declaration of the IYF, and the theme was ‘International Year of Family Farming’. In commemoration of the IYF, the Strengthening our Families Initiative was conceptualized, and an Inter-Ministerial Planning and Co-ordinating Committee was appointed to plan, oversee and coordinate the year’s activities.

  • It’s Family Time, Let’s Talk…

Good dialogue includes providing new information and answering questions as they arise. The It’s Family Time, Let’s Talk radio programme provides this opportunity. On Wednesdays from 1 pm to 2pm, during a specified time period, the Ministry hosts a talk show on I95.5 to address family related issues. This is a 30 minute discussion of a specific topic, with 30 minutes for comments and discussions with the participating audience. Guests also advertise events designed to strengthen families and build healthy relationships. This public education and preventative strategy has covered such topics as family violence, communication tips and the services offered by the National Family Services.

  • Critical Incidents Response

A Critical Incident is a singular incident where a limited number of persons are negatively affected, including homicides, suicides, vehicular accidents, natural disasters and singular house fires. NFSD will in these situations,

  1. establish contact with the Victim and Support Unit to obtain a status and the level of intervention required.
  2. Relatives/Survivors are advised of the services available to them and
  3. Where the relatives and survivors decline the services of the Victim and Witness Support Unit, the NFSD will provide Counselling/ Psychosocial Services to these individuals.
  4. Provide referrals to other agencies regarding the provision of specific assistance to meet the client’s needs and 
  5. Provide the necessary follow up where possible.
  • Disaster Relief

As an agency offering free psycho-social support to citizens who have experienced trauma, the National Family Services Division is an invaluable resource in helping citizens recover from natural disasters. 


St Patrick
Rotel Building, 6-8 Neverson St. Point Fortin  
Social Services Centre, 27 B Rock Road, Penal

623-2608 Ext 2920
St George West   
Head Office, 95-97 Frederick Street, Port of Spain (Law Association Building)
623-2608 Ext 6701 to 6707
59-61 Gooding Village, Cipero Street, San Fernando 
623-2608 Ext 2350
 St George East
Tunapuna Social Services Centre, Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna

623-2608 Ext 6260 to 6262 & 2003/2004
Social Welfare Building,2458 Naparima Road, Rio Claro   
623-2608 Ext 2513
Couva Social Services, Camden Road, Couva
Mc Coon Building, Eleanor Street, Chaguanas 
623-2608 Ext. 6150

623-2608 Ext 6210

Tel. PBX. 623-2608 Ext. 6701 and 6707

Toll Free: 800-CO19 (2619) – *For counselling and psychosocial support only. *