HIV/AIDS Co-ordinating Unit

The HIV/AIDS Co-ordinating Unit is one of the dynamic subgroups under the umbrella of the MSDFS. The Unit established in 2008, seeks to focus on the psychosocial issues surrounding HIV in keeping with the Ministry’s overall mandate, “helping, empowering, transforming lives.” The HIV/AIDS Co-ordinating Unit was commissioned to provide Programmes/Initiatives geared towards encouraging the modification of behaviour, reduction of incidences of HIV infections, mitigate the negative impact of HIV and AIDS, and reducing stigma and discrimination.

The Unit aims to educate staff, clients and communities on HIV issues, its prevention and control, as well as to arm relevant staff with the tools to effectively service clients with HIV and the wider public through community outreaches. Our Workshops usually include various modalities such as Edu-theatre, testimonials from PLWHIV and Educational Presentations, structured towards reaching persons of all walks of life.


  • A comprehensive support team geared towards educating and facilitating the empowerment of persons, families and communities, infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in sustaining lasting healthy lives.


  • We envision a supportive community free of new HIV transmissions additionally to a non-discriminatory and stigma free environment where person living with and affected by HIV can lead healthy and productive lives.


  • To co-ordinate and develop an HIV research agenda facilitated by the Ministry’s Research Division.
  • To collaborate with the National AIDS Co-ordinating Committee (NACC) towards achieving the national response to HIV management.
  • To provide overall co-ordination, as well as financial responsibility of the design and implementation of HIV programs and initiatives for the Ministry’s staff and community outreach programs.
  • To work in accordance with the Ministry’s HIV/AIDS multidisciplinary Committee in the development and implementation of the Ministry’s workplace HIV/AIDS Policy.
  • To facilitate the Ministry’s staff and their clientele towards the overall objective plan.
  • To promote the development of Information Education and Communication (IEC) material, as well as other Behaviour Change Communications (BCC) Strategies on HIV/ AIDS.
  • To promote opportunities for mainstreaming advocacy efforts on HIV and AIDS among staff in the (MSDFS) as well as among their external stakeholders
  • To develop co-ordinated programmes for the delivery of HIV and AIDS educational services to MSDFS and clients.
  • To establish systems for collaborating with other stakeholders including the Office of the Prime Minister
  • To manage and monitor the implementation of HIV response activities in accordance with the Ministry’s plan
  • To participate in the design of research activities and monitoring and evaluation of the results


  • Consolidate the implementation and coordinating capacity building of the Ministry with regards to HIV/AIDs related activities;
  • Facilitate the development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Material and other Behaviour Change Communication (BCG) strategies on HIV/AIDS;
  • Promote opportunities for streamlining advocacy efforts on HIV and AIDS among staff as well as among external stakeholders and clients;
  • Administer programmes for the delivery of HIV and AIDS education services internally (staff) and externally (the Ministry’s clients);
  • Develop a robust research agenda on those infected and affected by HIV with focus on;
    • The impact of HIV on vulnerable populations
    • Psychosocial issues
  • Facilitate the implementation of the HIV Workplace Policy within the Ministry; in which some of these services may be extended to clients of the Ministry


  • The Ministry’s Staff
  • The Ministry’s Clients
  • Community based organizations
  • Non-governmental organisation
  • Private sector Organizations


Services offered

  • Mainstream HIV into the Ministry’s programmes/ Initiatives
  • Sharing programs through internal and external Domains
  • Operationalize the HIV workplace policy throughout the ministry of social development and family services
  • To form quality networks with key stakeholders, NGO’s, FBO’s, CBO’s international organizations and the private sector
  • Providing diverse programs aimed towards decreasing the national HIV prevalence rate
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